

Description: This plugin sends notification by email

Type: Driver - Categories: Network & Communication, Utilities

Development status: Stable version

Tested on: All platforms

Developer: Enrico Nicoletti


From 5.6.0 version it’s included in the package distribution



  • You need a Gmail account
  • Set your Google username and password in the manifest file or if you are using Jfrontend click on menu Plugins -> Configure -> Mailer. Change only ‘username’ and ‘password’.
  • Save the changes

Create an automation example

  • Right click on a thing
  • Switch to Automations tab in Jfrontend
  • In the command field corresponding to the trigger when OBJECT_NAME object is clicked write Notify this event by mail
  • Save changes by pressing Confirm and OK button.
Mailer automations

Mailer automations

When you click on this thing you should receive an email with the description of what happened.

Others plugins can use the mailer to send custom messages.

Send a mail notification with no attachment

   <name>Notify event by mail</name>
   <description>send a mail</description>
           <property name="subject" value="A notification from your home"/>
           <property name="message" value="Event notified: thing clicked"/>
           <property name="attachment" value="no-attachment"/>

Send a mail notification with attachment

   <name>Notify event by mail with attachment</name>
   <description>send a mail</description>
           <property name="subject" value="A notification from your home"/>
           <property name="message" value="Event notified: thing @event.description"/>
           <property name="attachment" value="/home/mauro/Desktop/fd/plugins/devices/mailer/data/cmd/index.txt"/>

Command parameters

Property Description Values
name command name any string
subject mail subject any string
message mail text any string
attachment absolute path of attachment path string (can’t be empty)


Be aware that your firewall can block the sending of the email. Check the firewall settings.

Also, if needed, go to and enable “the less secure apps” option.