
Arduino Serial Communication

Description: A basic example to communicate with an Arduino board via serial connection

Type: Driver - Categories: Arduino, Automation Protocols, IoT

Development status: Prototype

Tested on: All platforms

Developer: Mauro Cicolella


This example shows how to control an Arduino board connected via usb interface in order to switch on/off a led. The code is very simple but it’s a base from which to create more complex plugin using serial protocol.


To configure the plugin open arduinousb-manifest.xml in its folder and change the following properties. By default you need to change only the port name and set the one in use.

  • serial.port: port name e.g. /dev/ttyACM0 for Linux or COMx for Windows
  • serial.baudrate: baudrate of Arduino serial port (the same used in the sketch)
  • serial.databits: databits of Arduino serial port
  • serial.parity: parity bit of Arduino serial port
  • serial.stopbits: stop bit of Arduino serial port
  • chunk.terminator: read serial string terminator (by default “
” as “n”)
  • chunk.size: size of chunk to read from serial
  • delimiter: fields delimiter in read string

Arduino sketch

The following sketch must be uploaded to your arduino board. It’s very simple: when it receives a char ‘a’ from serial connection it switch on the led connected to pin 13. Viceversa with ‘b’ char the led is switched off. Every command writes a string on serial.

void setup() {
   //Set all the pins we need to output pins
   pinMode(13, OUTPUT);

 void loop (){
   if (Serial.available()) {

   //read serial as a character
   char ser =;

   //NOTE because the serial is read as "char" and not "int", the read value
   //must be compared to character numbers
   //hence the quotes around the numbers in the case statement
   switch (ser) {
     case 'a':
       case 'b':

   void pinON(int pin){
     digitalWrite(pin, HIGH);

   void pinOFF(int pin){
     digitalWrite(pin, LOW);

Source code

GitHub repository