Version 5.5 (Bender)
Project management
- Mavenization
- Guice Dependency Injection
- Code refactoring
- Debian packages available
- First steps adquiring an Agile Development thanks to the use of Youtrack as issue tracker system
- Migration to TeamCity as integration server
- Authentication/Authorization (based on username/password and privileges list)
- Internationalization/Localization (about 20 languages supported)
- Enhanced Automation management
- Objects group commands support
GUI Frontend
- Multienvironment support
- Users and Privileges Management
- Developers Wiki
- Video tutorials on Youtube Channel
Freedomotic main goal is to create a great ecosystem of plugins to control almost any aspect of an automated life.
We are very proud off our efforts made to make the development of plugins easy to the developers that want to contribute.
These include:
- Complete mavenization of the system and of the plugins build system
- Improved the development documentation. This is a permanent task on our workflow
- Active forums