Type: - Categories:
Development status:
Tested on: All platforms
Developer: Gabriel Pulido de Torres
This plugin allows Freedomotic to be configured as a Master device in the Modbus network to read values from the slaves of the system.
The read values are then published as events in the system.
NOTE: from 5.6 version TCP and RTU over TCP are supported.
The sensor usual parameters should be configured. See the Sensor page. Also the following parameters must be defined in the xml manifest file.
Parameter | Required | Values | Effect | Note |
modbus-protocol | yes | ‘RTU’ or ‘TCP’ | Configuration for RTU or TCP | |
port | yes | ‘COM1’ or ‘/dev/ttyUSB0’ | Name of the Serial port used | Only needed if modbus-protocol is RTU |
baudrate | yes | Serial Port Parameter | Only needed if modbus-protocol is RTU | |
data-bits | yes | Serial Port Parameter | Only needed if modbus-protocol is RTU | |
parity | yes | 0|1|2 | Serial Port Parameter | Only needed if modbus-protocol is RTU |
stop-bits | yes | Serial Port Parameter | Only needed if modbus-protocol is RTU | |
host | yes | IP address | TCP host address | Only needed if modbus-protocol is TCP |
tcp-port | yes | Port | TCP host port | Only needed if modbus-protocol is TCP |
encapsulated | yes | RTU over TCP flag | Only needed if modbus-protocol is TCP and you want to enable RTU over TCP | |
timeout | yes | Time in milliseconds | Modbus Parameter | |
retries | yes | Number of retries to obtain a value | Modbus Parameter | |
NumRegisters | yes | 0|..|n | Number of registers that are going to be configured | This value should match the total of tuples defined |
For every register that is going to be read from the network a tuple should be configured with the correct parameters to locate and transform from the modbus system to Freedomotic system as one Event. For every tuple, the sensor sends an event on the Freedomotic system.
Tuples properties Parameter Required Values Effect Note Name yes String with the name of this value in the system Must be unique in the sensor SlaveId yes 0|..|n Number of the slave from which the value is read RegisterRange yes See table of Register Ranges allowed DataType yes See table of Data Type allowed Bit no 0|..|n Sets the bit to be read from the Binary register It is only used when the DataType is set to Binary Offset yes 0|..|n Address of the register to be read in the slave NumberOfRegisters no 0|..|n Number of consecutive registers to be read Not used at this moment Multiplier no double value Used with the Additive parameter to transform the value from the modbus scale system to the Freedomotic scale system Mx+A where M= Multiplier x= value readed A= Additive Additive no double value Used with the Additive parameter to transform the value from the modbus scale system to the Freedomotic scale system Mx+A where M= Multiplier x= value readed A= Additive EventName yes String Name of the parameter in the event that is going to be sent with the value This value configures a GenericEvent with a parameter with name=”EventName” value=”Mx+A”
This xml file configures 2 registers.
The first register reads a temperature value from the slave and, as the Modbus in this example stores the value multiplied by 10, the sensor transforms that value multiplying it by 0.1
The second register reads the bit value from position 6 from the register.
<property name="description" value="Plugin for Modbus protocol"/>
<property name="category" value="protocol"/>
<property name="short-name" value="modbus"/>
<property name="polling-time" value="1000"/>
<property name="NumRegisters" value="2"/>
<property name="port" value="/dev/ttyUSB10"/>
<property name="baudrate" value="19200"/>
<property name="data-bits" value="8"/>
<property name="parity" value="2"/>
<property name="stop-bits" value="1"/>
<property name="timeout" value="10000"/>
<property name="retries" value="2"/>
<property name="Name" value="TemperatureZone1"/>
<property name="SlaveId" value="1"/>
<property name="RegisterRange" value="HOLDING_REGISTER"/>
<property name="DataType" value="TWO_BYTE_INT_UNSIGNED"/>
<property name="Offset" value="266"/>
<property name="NumberOfRegisters" value="1"/>
<property name="Multiplier" value="0.1d"/>
<property name="Additive" value="0.0d"/>
<property name="EventName" value="TemperatureZone1"/>
<property name="Name" value="BitTest"/>
<property name="SlaveId" value="1"/>
<property name="RegisterRange" value="HOLDING_REGISTER"/>
<property name="DataType" value="BINARY"/>
<property name="Bit" value="6"/>
<property name="Multiplier" value="1"/>
<property name="Additive" value="0"/>
<property name="Offset" value="256"/>
<property name="NumberOfRegisters" value="1"/>
<property name="EventName" value="BitTest"/>